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법명 R&TTE EC 199/05
고시번호 Decree no. 269 고시일  2001-05-09
내용 The R&TTE EC 199/05 directive is enacted in Italy by Decree no. 269, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Italy of 9 May 2001.
The directive applies to radio equipment, i.e. equipment which can communicate by means of the emission and/or reception of radio waves using a radiofrequency spectrum (e.g.: mobile phones, radio alarm system components, microwave detectors) and terminal telecommunication equipment (e.g.: telephones, faxes, phone systems, apart from switchboard systems).

The purpose of the Directive is to ensure the free circulation of products on the European Union market (licences to use frequencies are excluded and fall within the remit of each country).

참조URL http://www.imq.it/portale/index.jsp?code=966

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