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법령정보 상세

법명 [폴란드] Law of December 12/2003 on general safety of products(PCBC)
고시번호 Journal of Laws no. 229 고시일  2003-12-12
내용 Law of December 12, 2003 on general safety of products (Journal of Laws no. 229 of 2003, item 2275).

Executory Acts:

Regulation of the Council of Ministers of April 6, 2004 on additional requirements related to safety and marking of products which may be hazardous for consumers as their appearance indicates different use from intended one (Journal of Laws no. 71 of 2004, item 644).

Regulation of the Council of Ministers of April 6, 2004 on implementation of measures provided by regulations of general safety of products in relation to products containing phthalates which create serious hazard (Journal of Laws no. 73 of 2004, item 656).

Regulation of the Council of Ministers of April 6, 2004 on safety and marking of textiles (Journal of Laws no. 81 of 2004, item 743).

Regulation of the Council of Ministers of April 14, 2004 on detailed procedure of keeping register of dangerous products (Journal of Laws no. 87 of 2004, item 814).

Regulation of the Council of Ministers of April 14, 2004 on procedure of keeping system of information on dangerous products (Journal of Laws no. 87 of 2004, item 815).

Regulation of the Council of Ministers of April 14, 2004 on activities undertaken in connection with hold-up of products because of existing justified circumstances indicating that these products do not meet safety requirements (Journal of Laws no. 87 of 2004, item 816).

Regulation of the Minister of Health of April 28, 2004 on mode of operation of the national monitoring system of consumer accidents (Journal of Laws no.104 of 2004, item 1100).
Regulation of the Council of Minister of October 19, 2004 on additional requirements for marking of footwear intended to be sold for consumers (Journal of Laws no. 240 of 2004, item 2409).
Regulation of the Council of Ministers of April 26, 2005 on specimen of notice on product which is not safety (Journal of Laws no. 80 of 2005, item 694).
참조URL http://www.pcbc.gov.pl/ang/index1.htm

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