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법명 [대만] Regulations Governing CNS Mark(doc?案)
고시번호 고시일  
내용 Adopted and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 20 July 1951.
Amended and promulgated by Ministerial Order on 17 November 2004.

Article 1
These Regulations are established in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 11 of the Standards Act.

Article 2
The dedicated authority in charge of standards may announce a list of products to which the designated national standards items mentioned in Article 10 of the Standards Act apply as products within the scope of application of the CNS Mark (hereinafter referred to as “the CNS Mark Product List”). The same shall apply when the dedicated authority in charge of standards intends to withdraw products from the list.
참조URL http://www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/ct?xItem=3824&ctNode=812&mp=2
Regulations Governing CNS Mark(doc_案).doc

이메일 무단수집 거부

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무단으로 수집되는 것을 거부하며, 이를 위반시 정보통신망법의해 형사처벌을 유념하시기 바랍니다.
